The practise of peer review is to ensure that the only original researches in the realm of History and Archaeology are published. In the process of publishing the original researches, a very crucial role has to be played by our referees. Ours is a double-blind review where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process. The referees are selected as per their expertise from the panel of the Society. All the research papers are subject to peer review as per the following process.
- At first, the Editors evaluate the manuscripts initially. At this stage, only worthy papers are accepted based on their originality of the concepts or themes and research methodology i.e. based on the primary sources. After passing through the initial evaluation, papers are submitted to two experts for review.
- Referees are asked to evaluate the originality of the research and the use of the appropriate sources.
- Referees have to submit the evaluation report within one month from the date of submission of the paper to him.
- Though Language is not the part of Review, even then the referee can suggest corrections in this context.
- If referees suggest some correction or modification, the manuscript has to be returned to the author for effecting the required correction within one month.
- Editor’s decision is considered final to accept or reject the paper even after the evaluation report of the referees.
- A final decision of the Editors to accept or reject has to be communicated to the author along with the Evaluation Reports of the Referees.
Ateet hold copyrights for the research papers published in the Journal and the author has to give consent to the Journal to this effect.
Ateet never tolerates plagiarism, forged data and falsified data presentation from authors and the norms of UGC Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention in Higher Educational Institution Regulations, 2018 are followed. The authors have to submit a letter to the effect that the paper has not been submitted anywhere else for publication.